So hat still not completed.. but I just made a little 'stone' for a ring I've been planning. It's made out of polymer clay and is currently curing in the oven. I also glazed my little Christmas gift for my boyfriend finally. I have the shortest attention span with crafts.. I always have 5 or 6 projects going at once. If I get bored of one I just move onto another.

I was hanging around work for a couple hours today which is where I got the glue and glaze for my gift. I also picked up some sparkles to use with the polymer. While in the clay aisle I noticed we sell a transfer medium by Sculpey and I looked it up online when I came home. Actually I found a pretty nifty little tutorial on how to use it:

**EDIT: the insert link button never works for me.. you'll just have to copy and paste :)**

I'm excited that I've found a way to put my drawings onto polymer.. I have a lot of ideas for pendants, I just hope they turn out. Also while surfing around I saw that transfering toner [and I saw inkjet in a few places too but I'm sure if that will work] pictures is extremely easy. I had no idea all I needed was water! There was a gift I wanted to buy a friend for Christmas online but since it would be coming from overseas it would never make it on time. I'm going to try and recreate the pendant using this transfer method.. if it works I can just make the gift myself!

I'm really going to have to buckle down and finish that hat and scarf combo I have going though.. if I wait too long there won't be any cold weather for me to wear them in!

~Happy Crafting!

Alright so the hat did not get completed as planned! I blame my 1:30-9:30 shift.. that and my makeup addiction that had me surfing for new eyeshadow..

I DID finish the knitting portion last night and started working on the flower so this weekend I plan on finishing it all off. I'm really excited to start the scarf because it will be the first time I've knitted a cable.. I've got my cable needles all ready to go ;)

I've also been looking into resin and image transfer for my jewelry, I just haven't quite wrapped my mind around how the image transferring actually works. It seems pretty complicated but I found a site where I can get the materials relatively cheap. I wish I knew someone who did this sort of thing so they could give me some lessons!

I've also just realized I forgot the glue to complete the little trinket I cooked up for my boyfriend for Christmas. I can't wait to post pictures of that, it's the first time I ever used polymer clay and I'm pretty proud of how it turned out.

Gosh this is making me realize I really DO have a lot going on at once.. I need to spend a couple hours one day just organizing all my projects.. then I need to knock them off one by one.

Oh well, it's pretty late so I think it's time for some sleep ;)

Happy Crafting!

After 3 years [so far] of working in an arts and crafts store, I've got a growing list of on the go projects.

Currently I'm making a winter hat for myself [why did I wait to do this until the negative temperatures were in full swing?].. one of my co workers recommended one of our house brand yarns. I'm working with Loops & Threads brand 'Country Loom' in 'nobility' [dark and light wine purple mixed with a light almost pastel purple]. I went and did what I shouldn't have and cheaped out on the needles I bought, with this kind of yarn I should really be using the bamboo needles to prevent splitting.. lesson learned, believe me!

One thing I can say about this yarn is that it beats the 'Bernat' brand 'Soft Boucle' by a MILE. In our store they're placed right beside each other and look exactly the same but you just have to pick them up to feel the difference. The Bernat feels rough in comparison and the colours are not as vibrant. Also, if I remember correctly, the Bernat brand is more expensive.

So far I'm about 90% done the knitting portion.. it takes me a while as my hands start to hurt after doing any sort of needle craft for too long. I'm thinking of buying crafter's gloves but haven't gotten around to it yet. I'll be adding a felt flower applique to the side of the hat to punch it up a notch. Pictures to come when I do finish it [hopefully tomorrow? we'll see] but be forewarned my camera is absolutely horrible.. I'm crossing my fingers that Santa brings me a new one this year ;)

Happy Crafting!


About this blog

Just a blog about my descent into crafting madness. I'll be discussing the [several] projects I have on the go and posting pictures. Also I will be trying out new techniques [well new for me] and reviewing certain medias/brands I work with.

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