Alright so the hat did not get completed as planned! I blame my 1:30-9:30 shift.. that and my makeup addiction that had me surfing for new eyeshadow..

I DID finish the knitting portion last night and started working on the flower so this weekend I plan on finishing it all off. I'm really excited to start the scarf because it will be the first time I've knitted a cable.. I've got my cable needles all ready to go ;)

I've also been looking into resin and image transfer for my jewelry, I just haven't quite wrapped my mind around how the image transferring actually works. It seems pretty complicated but I found a site where I can get the materials relatively cheap. I wish I knew someone who did this sort of thing so they could give me some lessons!

I've also just realized I forgot the glue to complete the little trinket I cooked up for my boyfriend for Christmas. I can't wait to post pictures of that, it's the first time I ever used polymer clay and I'm pretty proud of how it turned out.

Gosh this is making me realize I really DO have a lot going on at once.. I need to spend a couple hours one day just organizing all my projects.. then I need to knock them off one by one.

Oh well, it's pretty late so I think it's time for some sleep ;)

Happy Crafting!


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Just a blog about my descent into crafting madness. I'll be discussing the [several] projects I have on the go and posting pictures. Also I will be trying out new techniques [well new for me] and reviewing certain medias/brands I work with.

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