So things have been just insane.. things at work went down hill real fast. I can't talk about it publicly, even though there are a lot of very negative opinions I could express, but what it's come down to is that I have quit my sales associate position with Michaels BUT I will be staying on as a Bead Academy Instructor. I did get a full time job, with benefits, elsewhere [actually at a company I've worked for previously, which really is a fabulous place to be] so that is a good thing, but I will truly miss the Michaels staff. Most of the ones at my store have also resigned though, so it would not have been the same if I had decided to stay on.

Anyways! Enough of that!

I have an early shift tomorrow but I've got a bit of a Tudor's obsession and I'm rewatching the series, on Season 2 right now ;) I'm going to watch an episode and finish up the extremely late baby blanket I owe my friend [sorry it's taking so long, Jan :(]. Ok maybe not finish it completely, I'll need to do the edging on it tomorrow after work but I can finish up with the blue!

Also in the works is a necklace I'm making as a gift for a co-op student who has been working at Michaels for the past few months. Really she gets no love from management and she does such a great job, also she's a sweet heart and hugs me every time she's in! She deserves something nice as a thank you for all her hard work I think. That will have to be done before Monday since that is her last day. I asked her what her favourite colour was and she told me purple, so I picked out some nice, sparkly beads in three coordinating colours [a smokey lilac, a darker purple, and a dusty rose] and a nice delicate silver chain. I wanted something feminine and pretty, not too over the top so that it would be wearable on any occasion. I really hope she likes it!

That's what's going on in my crafting universe right now. Still looking into that new camera and also contemplating a makeup blog, haven't thought of a name yet though. I need the new camera to properly show off my pretties though, the one I have now just doesn't do them justice.

Well, better not keep Jonathan Rhys Meyers waiting any longer ;)


Happy Crafting~


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About this blog

Just a blog about my descent into crafting madness. I'll be discussing the [several] projects I have on the go and posting pictures. Also I will be trying out new techniques [well new for me] and reviewing certain medias/brands I work with.

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