Whew, it's been a crazy couple weeks I tell you. The store I work at offers different crafting classes.. cake decorating, crocheting/knitting, and scrapbooking but we have not been able to find a bead instructor. Because of that, I've been the one running the bead demos and helping customers in the bead section with general inquiries. My manager approached me last week asking me if I'd like to be the instructor, the woman in my store who runs the classroom activities recommended me to the position. I said yes and I'm on my way to certification!

Tonight I received the email that told me where to sign up and how to get started, I completed a basics exam and passed, then submitted pictures of two projects with explanations and those passed as well! I finished all the preliminaries and now I'm onto the beginning of the certification course.. problem is you have to print out a guide before started annnnnd my printer ink cartridge is literally empty. I was SO excited, I wanted to start tonight! I have to wait until tomorrow though when I can replace the cartridge.

This is probably a good thing though, I'm dead tired from an early morning shift so I probably wouldn't absorb much. I can't wait to get home tomorrow to get cracking though!

I've also been keeping myself busy by crocheting a baby blanket for my best friend's new baby cousin. Normally you're asked to make these things BEFORE the birth but she didn't think to until after. The baby is about 3 weeks old, so definitely not too old for a snuggly blanket. Now, I haven't crocheted in YEARS but I've wanted to get back into it. I do knit on occasion but a co-worker of mine told me that crocheting is just much faster, and time is not on my side so I decided to pick up the hook again.

I originally learned to crochet from my great aunt. She was a MASTER, she would sit with this metal bowl in her lap that contained her crochet thread and crochet the most intricate doilies and table runners you've ever seen. She did it at lightning speed without even glancing at her work as she went, and she NEVER made a mistake. I was always fascinated watching her do it as a child and my nana had already taught me to knit so she decided to teach my to crochet. Unfortunately, my great aunt suffered a dibilitating stroke 5 years back and has never fully recovered. She lost a lot of movement in the right side of her body and can no longer crochet but I'm absolutely determined to teach myself how to make those beautiful doilies. Although I'm certain I'll never be able to produce them as quickly as her.. and without looking.

Anyways, I went around online searching up a simple pattern, and then decided I would just knit a giant granny square and then add a shell border to it. I found the following video extremely helpful in showing me how to start the square:

I totally suggest checking out this lady's other tutorials as well, especially if you're a beginner.. her videos are super helpful! Once I saw her do a couple rounds I just went out on my own and kept going round and round the square. I am on my third ball of wool, this will be the last before I start my shell border. I'm using Bernat Softee Baby in Baby Denim Marl for the majority of the blanket. It's actually a much softer baby blue than what's shown in the thumb nail on the site. I'm thinking of using antique white to create the shell border rather than continuing on with the blue colour. I'll have to get some opinions on that at work I think though.

Anyways, I hope to be done this blanket by the end of the weekend.. I also have to throw together a birthday card for my nana either tomorrow or Thursday night. My mom is going to London to visit her on her birthday and is going to take the card with her for me :)

My week is looking busy craft-wise but I'm totally not complaining! Once I complete the baby blanket I will post the results!

Happy Crafting~


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Just a blog about my descent into crafting madness. I'll be discussing the [several] projects I have on the go and posting pictures. Also I will be trying out new techniques [well new for me] and reviewing certain medias/brands I work with.

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