So, before we get down to some delicious business, I know I promised photos of those charm bracelets. When I was hand drilling the holes, I broke the tip off of my bead reemer [sadface] SO I went onto my trusty beading supplies site and ordered a glorious electric bead reemer. They state up to 6 weeks for delivery but in the past I've received things from them within 3 weeks. I can't even believe it didn't occur to me to search one of these babies out. I'll let you know when I get it and do a mini review of the reemer.

NOW onto the business of the day! It's Easter, of course, and I have a confession to make: I have an addiction.


Yup, I am addicted to Creme Eggs. Really though, who isn't [besides my boyfriend who is also insane]?! I'm always saddened when these babies disappear and I try to stock up on them while they're around. BUT I've stumbled upon something fabulous. Well, it was more me surfing around Facebook and noticing one of my awesome friends posting about these little treats. You can make your own eggs at home!

Now I haven't tried this yet, but here's the recipe for them. These look ridiculously easy to make, and once I run out of my current stock, you better believe I will be giving this recipe a shot!

Also for the more adventurous Creme Egg lover, take a look here for more recipes using Creme Eggs.

That's all for now! I hope you all have a fabulous Easter <3!

Happy Crafting~


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