Tonight I made a few cupcakes out of polyer clay, I pushed some eye pins into them so I could put them on necklaces. They turned out alright, I'm not entirely satisfied with them.. the glaze on them is drying now. Provided I can find the chains I bought the other week, I will take pictures tomorrow.

I didn't create the icing on top with polymer clay whipped cream though. I've been researching how to make it, there's a lot of different recipes but there's many questions I have about it that were not answered by any of the videos I saw or the blogs I read. However I'm pretty sure one of the ladies I work with knows how to make it, so I'm going to ask her tomorrow during my shift. Hopefully she can give me some tips so I can mess around with the icing on Friday when I get paid :D

Annnd I work at 6am tomorrow, so bed time for me now!

Happy Crafting~


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