Alright, so not crafting related really but I am just so excited! It seems there is another job posting but THIS one would mean no travel and no moving, it's still within the company but at a different store. I was caught completely off-guard today and asked to go to head office for a meeting, and then I was sent off to the other location for an interview with the manager.

I feel I did splendidly during the interview, and the manager is extremely nice, I can see us getting along well. I've been awake since 4am [early 6am shift today] and only slept 2 hours last night but I'm still jumping up and down.

Best thing about this job? I get to see all the product fresh off the truck ;) Putting away stock is where I get my ideas, I see something and I go "hey, that's new.. wonder what I could do with it" and my creative juices start to flow! I'm so happy that I may get the opportunity to continue to work in a creative environment, it's so important to enjoy what you do!

Anyways, I just wanted to share my excitement! If I get the job I will probably post more details, I just don't want to jinx it right now ;)

Happy Crafting~


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