Ok so it's like I've been in a coma for several months, I know. I started my [not so new now] job in June and since I'm full time I have no time for anything. I'm exhausted when I get home and just want to sit on my butt.. well or I get home at like 10 pm and only have time to eat before I go to bed for my 9:30 am shift. I haven't really crafted anything, but I made something for Halloween!

I bought my boyfriend this cute Beanie Baby bat and decided to make it a little kraft paper trick-or-treat bag, but I had to think about what to put in it. Then one night the week before Halloween, I was over at his house and he was playing with his cat Fidget and he randomly said "I wonder what Fidget would look like dressed as a pumpkin" and so, my Cat O'Lantern was born.

Cat O'Lantern

His cat is orange so it worked out quite well! Also can I just say how much I freaking LOVE Decoart's Triple Thick glaze? That is with ONE coat, it's flawless! All this time I've been using spray glazes thinking it was easier and the finish would be better than any brush on, I was totally wrong! This is now my go-to glaze, I will never ever touch a spray again.

I also used an extra fine Sharpie Paint Pen to draw on the eyes and whiskers. Those pens are fantastic, very easy to use and dry instantly so no need to worry about smudging! Always a good thing when you're clumsy like me ;) I DID mess up one side of the whiskers, it was driving me mad [I have a bit o' the OCD] but my boyfriend didn't seem to notice.

And now I'll end my post with how excited I am about my Paperclay. I've heard such great things about it, so I went out and bought a pack after work today. I love using Sculpey but I feel like it's such a waste of electricity to use a standard sized oven to bake a few small things. If the Paperclay works out, I will just switch over to it. There's two downsides though, Paperclay is white so I will have to paint what I make and then of course that takes extra time. Strangely though, I like doing intricate things most people find annoying, I can see myself enjoying the painting of tiny charms aspect. I can also put my old jewelry rack to good use, I'm going to hang my charms off of it to dry.

And now I'm off to play with my clay! I'll let you know how it all turns out ;)

Happy Crafting~


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About this blog

Just a blog about my descent into crafting madness. I'll be discussing the [several] projects I have on the go and posting pictures. Also I will be trying out new techniques [well new for me] and reviewing certain medias/brands I work with.

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