Work is still killing me, I'm really trying not to be a lazy bugger with my crafting/blogging. I'm so stressed and, really, crafting is a great release and something I need to make a point to make time for.

Last weekend I got started on a little project of mine. I brought out the toaster oven my Nana bought me for Christmas and decided to bake some clay. This is the first time I've used a toaster oven, I normally use a large kitchen oven to bake my clay but I hate wasting so much energy to bake such tiny things. One my first attempt, I burned the crap out of my little clay offerings :(

Let me preface this by saying the clay I used was WHITE. Yup, burned the crap out of them.. I was pretty upset and unsure if I could salvage it all. But I foresaw something like this happening so when I went out to buy paint I bought a big ass bottle of white acrylic and I primed those babies back to life.

My progress shot of my mini masterpieces! One could never tell I almost set off all the fire alarms in my house baking these. I've hit a stand-still since I needed Sharpie paint pens and the ones I have dried out. I ran out of money this pay when a nail decided to puncture the tire of my car while my mom was out grocery shopping with it.. soooo a good $180 later my spending money was long gone. But I do get paid this Thursday so I can pick the colours I need up and put some faces on those apples and green popcorns. I'm also going to pick up some beads and beading wire to recreate a headband I saw for sale. Man, Michaels is going to love me this week.. I think I should buy stock there :S

That's it for now! Happy Crafting~


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About this blog

Just a blog about my descent into crafting madness. I'll be discussing the [several] projects I have on the go and posting pictures. Also I will be trying out new techniques [well new for me] and reviewing certain medias/brands I work with.

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