I don't even know how long it's been since I posted! I used to bounce a lot from craft to craft but lately I have been really into crochet. Most of my gifts this Christmas I ended up making: leg warmers for my Nana, a scarf and wristlets for my Mom, and a pteradactyl for my boyfriend. Now I'm trying to get into knitting, which I find much more challenging than crochet. It's so far really awkward, I'm getting used to using two needles instead of one hook and holding the yarn in a different way. I've knitted before, my Nana actually taught me when I was very young, so I know the basics such as casting on/off and how to knit/purl. I'm starting out with a shawl I saw when surfing around on Ravelry. I have this thing for anything linked to Paris, so when I saw the shawl was named "Dinner at the Eiffel Tower" I pretty much had to make it.

Above is a picture of the shawl, the pattern is written by a Raveler named Jessie Dodington and is available for free on the site. I had to do a little guessing on which yarn to use, the yarn listed on the pattern is one I had never heard of but it was said to be a light worsted weight yarn. I popped over to the store today and picked up some Paton's Silk Bamboo in Stone, which is a lovely dove gray colour, and I hope it will work. It's such a soft yarn, I've wanted to use it for a while but had never had a reason to. Right now I'm working on my gauge, the first part of the shawl is supposed to have eyelets but I think I'm holding the yarn a little too tight as they are not very visible like they are in the picture. I'm going to play around with it for a bit and get the feel of the needles again. I'm learning as I go, and searching anything I don't know on Youtube. That site has been invaluable to me, there are some great little tutorials on there! Anyways, thought I would update and maybe try to keep this blog going! I'll see if I can make any headway on this shawl and maybe post some progress photos. I received a beautiful camera for Christmas that takes stunning pictures, I need an excuse to use it! Happy Crafting~


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Just a blog about my descent into crafting madness. I'll be discussing the [several] projects I have on the go and posting pictures. Also I will be trying out new techniques [well new for me] and reviewing certain medias/brands I work with.

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