Decided to dust off my crochet hook and put together a blanket for one of my coworkers. She is expecting a girl at the end of October but is starting her mat leave next week. Even though I began this project in June, thinking to myself "oh I have plenty of time" I waited until the LAST POSSIBLE SECOND to finish this thing! This is why my pictures are so so so bad, I finished it the night before I had to give it to her and so had no natural light. I had wanted to go to the park during a nice, sunny fall day for a photo op but hey, plans change! Was extremely hard to capture the true colour of the yarn but this picture got it pretty spot on:

The edging of the blanket, along with ribbon bow and trim
The rest of the pictures I have are admittedly craptastic BUT I am pretty damn proud of this thing so I am posting them anyway.
Added bunny for extra creepiness cuteness
Also that is a giant birdcage in the background of that bunny pic, in case you were wondering. The pattern I used for this blanket was free and available on Bernat's site. I found the pattern to be a little difficult to read as someone who has never attempted the crocodile stitch before, so I went off to YouTube to search some tutorials. Once you get going you don't even have to look at the pattern, it's easy but very time consuming (especially when you are a procrastinator). I have a project I need to finish for a friend's birthday that is FAST APPROACHING (beginning of October) that I began and then put down when I realized "oh crap, I need to make a baby blanket". It's a double knit scarf, I was motoring along pretty well with it but now I've completely forgotten what the hell I was doing so please pray for me while I sit here cursing and trying to remember how to knit a double sided garment. UNTIL NEXT TIME (and yes there will be one, I keep forgetting I have a blog but I wil make it a point to post projects here in the future!) Happy Crafting! PS: you should really friend me on Ravelry because why not? Also Blogger has decided I don't need any spacing between my paragraphs and I can't figure out how to fix that, excuse my internet noobness.


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Just a blog about my descent into crafting madness. I'll be discussing the [several] projects I have on the go and posting pictures. Also I will be trying out new techniques [well new for me] and reviewing certain medias/brands I work with.

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