Alright, so this is what I made for my boyfriend's birthday:

This is a chessboard themed after the online game, Plants VS Zombies

We both play an online game called Plants VS Zombies, and while brainstorming with a friend I decided to make figures from the game out of polymer clay and then to make a wooden chessboard. The whole process took me about a month, but was well worth it! He loved it.

One of the plants from the game, called a 'Chomper'

The above picture is the first figure I made. I used two types of plants from the game [each made up an opposing side]: day plants, and night plants. There are also water plants but they're a little more complicated to make. The Chomper is from the day side and I also had to add coloured floral wire after baking to create the stem. There are a few other day plants for which I had to do this. I added after baking rather than before because floral wire is covered with coloured plastic and I was concerned the plastic may melt during the baking process. I made a hole in the base and in the headpiece before baking for the stem to fit in and glued it with industrial strength adhesive.

I really like this adhesive, it provides a very strong bond with a bit of flexibility, which is unlike crazy glue and why I prefer the E6000 to it.

A few pieces waiting to be baked

There are definitely a few things I would like to do differently. I bought some circle fondant cutters to cut out the bases but realized when I brought them home that they were a bit too big so I had to mold them by hand due to a time constraint [I really needed to get started THAT night]. I wish they looked more professional but everyone's telling me I'm being too picky, we're always harder on the work when it's our own though!

The side of the board which I painted grass on

The board is made out of oak, made by me with a little help from my dad [I'm not that great around circular saws]. I didn't really prime it, I just put on a ton of coats of the light green acrylic paint. I used Folkart and Americana paint on both the board and box used to hold the pieces.

The box for the pieces on top of the board

I bought the box from Michaels and primed it with white acrylic before painting it with the green. I used white first because the box was patterned already and the colours were a bit dark. I knew it was going to take quite a few coats to cover and was afraid I would not have enough of the green to do it.

I used painter's tape in a criss-crossed pattern to create the squares on the top of the board. I only did one coat [again, time constraint] but would've liked to do two and make the dark green more opaque.

I finished both the board and box with Krylon glaze. Since I did this in my basement, I didn't have ventilation other than a very slow moving fan. Don't do what I did, using spray glaze/paint without ventilation is NOT a good idea. Normally I would do this sort of thing outside, but it's the winter and so I was unable to.

And that was my project! It was very labour intensive but like I said, totally worth it in the end and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I think it goes without saying, but as a crafter it really makes a difference when you make something for someone who will really appreciate and cherish it. I'm leaving the link to my Flickr photo album for anyone who would like to take a look at additional pictures, there are so many that I don't want to photo dump them here.

Click for more pictures!

Click here to check out Plants VS Zombies!

Happy Crafting~


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