Alright, so I've been MIA for a while because I've been working on my top secret project! It's a birthday present for my boyfriend. His birthday is today, but his birthday dinner is tomorrow so I will be posting pics and explanations of the project this weekend at some point. For once I have both days off and I'm going to take a nice break! No crafts, no nuthin'.. just sitting on my butt with a book. It's going to be wonderful!

I'll share something I found out today [I'm always learning something new from my co-workers] about painting on canvas with acrylics. I'm sure you more experienced painters out there already know this, but I'm a novice at best so it was news to me! A customer came in today asking what she could use on her finished piece to give it a high gloss finish. I had no clue so I brought over my co-worker, who paints [and is super talented.. the jealous, I have it] and she told the customer that she needed to wait a month for her picture to cure first! I had no clue you needed to wait, but it makes sense since my co-worker told her that even though the paint on top looks and feels dry, the paint underneath may not be. And of course when you spray the gloss on, it keeps the paint underneath from drying completely. Also you need to wait a year to do this with oils. A YEAR.

Good thing I'm terrible with oil paint..

So that is what I learned today! And now to put the finishing touches on my gift!

Happy crafting~


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