Time for a LATE xmas-related post!

I've been crazy busy but here's a couple projects I did during my holidays:

The week after Christmas I visited my great aunt and uncle in London [Ontario]. My aunty had a stroke a few years back, she's actually the person who taught me to crochet but since her stroke she has been unable to do it herself. I usually crochet her things as gifts, but I was walking around at work and spotted the cutest ornament kit. They were little felt reindeer with bells :)

Excuse the shadow, my camera skills are.. not so hot.

One of the little guys on his own.

I like to refer to them as my "emo reindeer" because of the way the "hair" turned out. I got the kit for this on sale for I believe $7.99 [from $11.99]. I was impressed with it, I would buy it again for sure. I have a kit by the same company for a metal star ornament wrapped with wire and green beads that I haven't attempted yet. From the looks of it, there doesn't seem to be enough wire to complete the three stars. It wouldn't surprise me because the only complaint I had with the reindeer kit was that there was not enough brown floss to complete them. Luckily I do a lot of cross stitching so I have a box of floss lying about.

My aunt and uncle loved these reindeer, they were so happy when they saw them. I'm wishing I had bought a second pack.. if they bring them out again next year I will. Then I can attach them to gifts :)

My second project is a floral arrangement I did for my boyfriend's family.

Christmas centerpiece with magnolias.

A better picture.. with flash! [I always forget about the flash button]

This is my first attempt at a centerpiece, I've only ever made wreaths before this. I'll post those in a seperate entry tomorrow night so this doesn't turn into a photo dump.

The two florists I've worked with through my job taught me everything I know about floral arranging. I will never be able to come close to their talent, but I'm pretty dang good at making loopy bows now ;)

I used a charger plate for the base and one of the Christmas label hurricane vases for the candle holder. I chopped up a bush that had gold pointsettas on it to get the pine boughs [I had to also chop the boughs in half since they were WAY too long] and used a few magnolia stems. I used a high temp hot glue gun to glue the stems into a small piece of floral foam. We were out of Christmas scented candles at the time so I used one that smelled like baked cookies :)

Alright! That's enough of the Christmas stuff for now! More to come tomorrow!

I'm also working on a top-secret project [top-secret because this blog is linked to my Facebook and I'm not sure if the person I'm making it for reads this or not-- don't want to ruin the surprise ;)]. It won't be until mid February when I can reveal it, but I promise it will be awesome! And it will involve a LOT of Sculpey clay.. and wood. No other clues.

That's all for tonight folks!

Happy Crafting~

EDIT: I'm not sure why that one picture is turned sideways and I can't seem to fix it? I'm going to assume my comp is just having an anneurism.


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Just a blog about my descent into crafting madness. I'll be discussing the [several] projects I have on the go and posting pictures. Also I will be trying out new techniques [well new for me] and reviewing certain medias/brands I work with.

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