Recently we had to reset the scrapbooking section at my store [actually we're still resetting it.. it seems neverending :(] and after spending hours upon hours putting away thousands of stickers, it occurred to me that I could put some of them to good use. Nowhere does it say that stickers can only be used on paper, right?

I'm going to turn them into jewelry and hair accessories. I'm talking specifically about dimensional stickers, because they're "puffy" as opposed to the every day stickers that are flat. Though if I can figure out resin, I may mess around with the flatties as well. We have a new line of dimensional stickers that are just PERFECT for what I have in mind. Yesterday I purchased a pack with donut stickers. I removed the sticky banding off the back and glazed them to seal them. Though I THOUGHT I got all the residue off, the glaze showed me that that was not the case. I didn't glaze them all though, so I'm going to try some Goo Gone to remove it from the backs of the rest. I will then be fixing them to hair pins! I want to test their durability and wear, so I'm giving a couple sets to two of my friends this weekend to wear around. I would like to sell these but first I want to make sure they're up to par.. I won't sell something that's going to fall apart. I'm also making a pair for myself to try.

I picked up these awesome hair pins today actually, they are so incredibly funky, and CHEAP.. I couldn't believe it. Since I'm not done making them yet, I don't have pics. By Thursday I will be posting though ;). Now I'm to work on the second donut batch, hopefully I can get all that pesky stickiness off this time!

Happy Crafting~

Phew! I just had a sad because I searched the Mean Look shop on Etsy [as this is where I purchased my bag and arm warmers from them] and got an error message saying they no longer exist! HOWEVER, my intarweb digging has shown that they now sell via Artfire. Good news for me, bad news for my wallet.

Now onto the review!

About a month ago, I bought an adorable Skelanimals bag and a pair of apple tree arm warmers from Mean Look on Etsy. I've been checking out her stuff for quite a while but was attracted when I was told she had a sale going on for 50% off your total purchase. I figured this was the perfect opportunity to buy a couple things I had been drooling over. When I went to enter the coupon code, however, it didn't work. I was disappointed but sent a convo to the owner to ask about it. One of the items I had wanted was labelled as clearance so I thought that may be the problem, I could understand a shop owner not wanting to apply coupons to clearance merchandise. I received a very quick response back telling me that the coupon code had been left up by mistake and had expired but since it was her mistake, she would give me another code to get the 50% discount with. I was ecstatic, I really wasn't expecting to get to use the code on the bag, and since I was going to save so much money on it, I threw in the cute arm warmers as well.

It took about 2 weeks to receive my items, which was faster than I expected since I live in Canada and Mean Look is based in the US. I was so impressed by what I received!

The entire haul, please excuse the ugly table

Cards from the store and a handy dandy thing-a-ma-jig for me to put my keys on, thrown in as an extra

Arm warmer in action!

A look inside the bag, notice the funky pocket in which I keep my cell phone

As you can see, everything looks exactly like the pictures from the listings. Now I've had these items for about 2 weeks now and I will admit that I'm hard on my stuff, but there is not a stitch out of place. The bag and arm warmers are made so incredibly well I could probably use them in a game of tug-of-war with my friend's excitable schnauzer and they would survive.

Ain't he a cutie?

I keep the cards in the bag with me in case someone asks me where I got it from, and btw I have had a crapton of compliments on it! I also love the key ring thing-a-ma-jig because I'm constantly losing my keys in my purses. I put so much stuff in them that I'm always referring to them as 'black holes' and I will spend a good 5 minutes rummaging in them for car keys.

I also keep the arm warmers in the bag, they're quite handy when I'm driving home late at night as my car wheel is always freezing. Also I like the fact that their lack of fingers gives me easy texting access [not in the car though, don't worry, I don't text and drive].

All in all, an awesome online shopping experience. The owner is amazing and the communication was great, I'll be going back and I strongly recommend you do too ;)

The Links:

Mean Look on Artfire

Mean Look on Facebook

As Always, Happy Crafting~

I've been surfing around on Etsy [that site is my downfall, it's the reason I am constantly broke] and normally I just buy makeup but there's a lot of lovely crafters on there that I'm thinking of purchasing from. I'm considering doing little reviews of their shops and merchandise I receive.. I know I will be making at least one purchase next Friday when I get paid. I'm really big on supporting indie businesses.. I would much rather buy a teapot made by someone than one from the Pottery Barn.

So on that note, expect a mini review sometime in the next few days. I recently bought a hand-made bag and arm warmers that I just love and I think the crafter deserves some recognition for her work <3 [I will also include pictures, after I empty the bag which is currently full of my crap]

And now off to do some more cross stitching.. I have one corner completed [except for the outlining and fine detailing, I do all that after the entire piece is complete] and it took me forever! Very relaxing though!

Happy Crafting~

Alright so I had planned on creating the focal piece to that necklace I mentioned last night, but I was told today that there was finally a job posting for a higher position with the company I work for! I've been waiting for this news for a couple months now, and was starting to feel nervous like I wasn't getting anything done.

Needless to say I've been totally distracted by this all night, I put in an internal application and just need to get a printed copy signed by my manager and district manager, which should be a piece of cake since my manager is the one who alerted me to the post and she has already spoken with my DM.

I am just so freaking excited! This isn't even craft-related [although I do work for an arts & crafts store] but I just had to post it :3 The job would allow me to travel all over Canada and it focuses on the part of my job I like the most, which also happens to be the most tedious strangely. I should know by the beginning of May if I got the job or not.. interviews start mid-April.

Ahhh I'm still squee'ing! Alright, I have a birthday party to run tomorrow so I'm off to sleep for now!

Happy Crafting~

Ahhh I'm just too excited! I went on a bit of a buying spree today at work. Seriously, that place is dangerous for me.. it's causing my poor paycheque to deteriorate. I purchased series I and series II of the Pearl Ex powdered pigments along with the Amaco Tri-Bead Roller. The only thing that makes me sad is I can't play with my new toys yet.. well I suppose I COULD but I'm dead tired from work so I would just make a pigmenty mess of myself.

Speaking of pigments.. now I have a use for all that useless mica I bought from the company who shall not be named. I kept it because I knew I could use it in something crafty, so it's nice to know my money won't go to waste. The Pearl Ex pigments though, oh my god, the colour pay off is FANTASTIC. The makeup junkie in me is all "geeze I wish I could use these as shadows" but my common sense ruins the party by reminding me they're not eye safe. For now I'll just gaze at them in their little jars and drool..

My shift is short tomorrow, so when I come home I'm going to make the focal piece for the necklace I've been planning out. It's a donut shaped pendant I'll be making out of polymer clay.. and I plan on etching a very simple flower design in it and using the powders on it. I'll also be fixing some flat back crystals to it.. I'm a junkie for rhinestones and sparkles. I have to hold myself back most of the time because if I add the amount I want my pieces will look ridiculous.

Alright, my sleepy brain is telling me to stop typing.. I'm off to work on my cross stitching!

Happy Crafting~


About this blog

Just a blog about my descent into crafting madness. I'll be discussing the [several] projects I have on the go and posting pictures. Also I will be trying out new techniques [well new for me] and reviewing certain medias/brands I work with.

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