Phew! I just had a sad because I searched the Mean Look shop on Etsy [as this is where I purchased my bag and arm warmers from them] and got an error message saying they no longer exist! HOWEVER, my intarweb digging has shown that they now sell via Artfire. Good news for me, bad news for my wallet.

Now onto the review!

About a month ago, I bought an adorable Skelanimals bag and a pair of apple tree arm warmers from Mean Look on Etsy. I've been checking out her stuff for quite a while but was attracted when I was told she had a sale going on for 50% off your total purchase. I figured this was the perfect opportunity to buy a couple things I had been drooling over. When I went to enter the coupon code, however, it didn't work. I was disappointed but sent a convo to the owner to ask about it. One of the items I had wanted was labelled as clearance so I thought that may be the problem, I could understand a shop owner not wanting to apply coupons to clearance merchandise. I received a very quick response back telling me that the coupon code had been left up by mistake and had expired but since it was her mistake, she would give me another code to get the 50% discount with. I was ecstatic, I really wasn't expecting to get to use the code on the bag, and since I was going to save so much money on it, I threw in the cute arm warmers as well.

It took about 2 weeks to receive my items, which was faster than I expected since I live in Canada and Mean Look is based in the US. I was so impressed by what I received!

The entire haul, please excuse the ugly table

Cards from the store and a handy dandy thing-a-ma-jig for me to put my keys on, thrown in as an extra

Arm warmer in action!

A look inside the bag, notice the funky pocket in which I keep my cell phone

As you can see, everything looks exactly like the pictures from the listings. Now I've had these items for about 2 weeks now and I will admit that I'm hard on my stuff, but there is not a stitch out of place. The bag and arm warmers are made so incredibly well I could probably use them in a game of tug-of-war with my friend's excitable schnauzer and they would survive.

Ain't he a cutie?

I keep the cards in the bag with me in case someone asks me where I got it from, and btw I have had a crapton of compliments on it! I also love the key ring thing-a-ma-jig because I'm constantly losing my keys in my purses. I put so much stuff in them that I'm always referring to them as 'black holes' and I will spend a good 5 minutes rummaging in them for car keys.

I also keep the arm warmers in the bag, they're quite handy when I'm driving home late at night as my car wheel is always freezing. Also I like the fact that their lack of fingers gives me easy texting access [not in the car though, don't worry, I don't text and drive].

All in all, an awesome online shopping experience. The owner is amazing and the communication was great, I'll be going back and I strongly recommend you do too ;)

The Links:

Mean Look on Artfire

Mean Look on Facebook

As Always, Happy Crafting~


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Just a blog about my descent into crafting madness. I'll be discussing the [several] projects I have on the go and posting pictures. Also I will be trying out new techniques [well new for me] and reviewing certain medias/brands I work with.

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