I've been surfing around on Etsy [that site is my downfall, it's the reason I am constantly broke] and normally I just buy makeup but there's a lot of lovely crafters on there that I'm thinking of purchasing from. I'm considering doing little reviews of their shops and merchandise I receive.. I know I will be making at least one purchase next Friday when I get paid. I'm really big on supporting indie businesses.. I would much rather buy a teapot made by someone than one from the Pottery Barn.

So on that note, expect a mini review sometime in the next few days. I recently bought a hand-made bag and arm warmers that I just love and I think the crafter deserves some recognition for her work <3 [I will also include pictures, after I empty the bag which is currently full of my crap]

And now off to do some more cross stitching.. I have one corner completed [except for the outlining and fine detailing, I do all that after the entire piece is complete] and it took me forever! Very relaxing though!

Happy Crafting~


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About this blog

Just a blog about my descent into crafting madness. I'll be discussing the [several] projects I have on the go and posting pictures. Also I will be trying out new techniques [well new for me] and reviewing certain medias/brands I work with.

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