So, before we get down to some delicious business, I know I promised photos of those charm bracelets. When I was hand drilling the holes, I broke the tip off of my bead reemer [sadface] SO I went onto my trusty beading supplies site and ordered a glorious electric bead reemer. They state up to 6 weeks for delivery but in the past I've received things from them within 3 weeks. I can't even believe it didn't occur to me to search one of these babies out. I'll let you know when I get it and do a mini review of the reemer.

NOW onto the business of the day! It's Easter, of course, and I have a confession to make: I have an addiction.


Yup, I am addicted to Creme Eggs. Really though, who isn't [besides my boyfriend who is also insane]?! I'm always saddened when these babies disappear and I try to stock up on them while they're around. BUT I've stumbled upon something fabulous. Well, it was more me surfing around Facebook and noticing one of my awesome friends posting about these little treats. You can make your own eggs at home!

Now I haven't tried this yet, but here's the recipe for them. These look ridiculously easy to make, and once I run out of my current stock, you better believe I will be giving this recipe a shot!

Also for the more adventurous Creme Egg lover, take a look here for more recipes using Creme Eggs.

That's all for now! I hope you all have a fabulous Easter <3!

Happy Crafting~

I just spent a good 20 minutes removing the sticky from the back of some dimensional stickers. All I have to say is that Goo Gone is a lifesaver [and it smells awesome]! I'm planning on drilling holes into the stickers and making charm bracelets for a couple friends of mine that I'm seeing tomorrow.

I have to get these done tonight, even though I have an early 6am shift tomorrow.. I probably should've come straight home after work this morning to get these started. It's the glaze that's taking forever, since I have to glaze one side at a time and wait for it to dry fully. I rushed the job last time and got weird little bubbles in one side of my charms.. it was not attractive.

If I'm not too exhausted I will post pictures of the completed bracelets tonight! If not, expect them tomorrow ;)

Happy Crafting~

Alright, so not crafting related really but I am just so excited! It seems there is another job posting but THIS one would mean no travel and no moving, it's still within the company but at a different store. I was caught completely off-guard today and asked to go to head office for a meeting, and then I was sent off to the other location for an interview with the manager.

I feel I did splendidly during the interview, and the manager is extremely nice, I can see us getting along well. I've been awake since 4am [early 6am shift today] and only slept 2 hours last night but I'm still jumping up and down.

Best thing about this job? I get to see all the product fresh off the truck ;) Putting away stock is where I get my ideas, I see something and I go "hey, that's new.. wonder what I could do with it" and my creative juices start to flow! I'm so happy that I may get the opportunity to continue to work in a creative environment, it's so important to enjoy what you do!

Anyways, I just wanted to share my excitement! If I get the job I will probably post more details, I just don't want to jinx it right now ;)

Happy Crafting~

I found my coloured ball chains! I have quite a few different colours, although I'm going to have to look into where I can get more. I bought all these dirt cheap on clearance.. I'm the 'clearance expert' at my store, 9 times out of 10 when I go in I'm playing with the clearance merchandise. Taking it out of boxes, re-pricing it, putting it out.. the bad thing about this is I see all the deals and spend all my money :(

Anyways! Here's one of the necklaces, I ended up making 4 charms total:

Pink cupcake on a pink ball chain necklace

Top view of the cupcake, yes that's a cherry on top!

Me holding the necklace, so you can get an idea of the size of the charm

These turned out better than I expected, I threw them together quickly just because I wanted to see how the end result would look. I took some advice from one of the videos I watched, I made the bases first and put them in the freezer for 10 minutes before adding the tops. This makes it so I can handle the base without leaving fingerprints or altering the detail I put on beforehand. I really wish I had thought of that little trick before, it would've made making those chess pieces SO much easier!

I also added glitter to the tops for more bling. I'm giving one charm to someone I work with and sending another down to the states. The woman I'm sending it to doesn't know I'm sending it, she loves cupcakes so I thought of her when I made them.. I would like to sell these in the future, keeping the basic design the same but changing up colours and embellishments, but I want to name them after her. I'm going to ask her permission to do so after she receives the necklace :D

Also I asked that lady I work with about the polymer clay icing, but she said she just softens and mixes the clay by itself to get the correct consitancy? I don't see how that would work.. I think I know what I'm going to do to make it, we'll see how it turns out. I'm basically counting the days until I get paid so I can afford to experiment!

That's all for tonight!

Happy Crafting~

Tonight I made a few cupcakes out of polyer clay, I pushed some eye pins into them so I could put them on necklaces. They turned out alright, I'm not entirely satisfied with them.. the glaze on them is drying now. Provided I can find the chains I bought the other week, I will take pictures tomorrow.

I didn't create the icing on top with polymer clay whipped cream though. I've been researching how to make it, there's a lot of different recipes but there's many questions I have about it that were not answered by any of the videos I saw or the blogs I read. However I'm pretty sure one of the ladies I work with knows how to make it, so I'm going to ask her tomorrow during my shift. Hopefully she can give me some tips so I can mess around with the icing on Friday when I get paid :D

Annnd I work at 6am tomorrow, so bed time for me now!

Happy Crafting~

I know I said I'd post this on Thursday but I got distracted.

Also I just realized I meant to give a couple of these clips to my friends annnnd I forgot.. where is my brain these days?!

Pink frosted donut clips

White frosted donut clips

All three styles of clips

Two of the styles are actually the same donut, just on different clips. The donuts are dimensional stickers, I removed the sticky portion off the back and then glazed them. I used an industrial strength glue to attach them to the clips, those babies aren't coming off any time soon ;)

There was a third style of donut in the pack, but I ruined the colour of the glaze on one, it was really obvious so I decided to just keep those two to experiment with later. The sticker is actually a bit hard, but I want to see if I can drill a small hole into it to make it into a charm. If I can drill the hole into it easily without ruining the sticker, I could potentially turn them into earrings and pendants as well!

Also that necklace from the other week is still in the works.. I want to get a textured sheet so I can emboss a floral pattern into the focal piece, we're out of the sheet I want at work, so I'm waiting for another shipment to come in. And that's all for now!

Happy Crafting~
